Lubabalo Mpepanduku CA (SA)
A qualified chartered accountant, Lubabalo is the founder and director of the firm. His work experience spans over a period of 15 years in external audit, banking, financial reporting and financial management, taxation and advisory. He completed his articles in one of the big 4 firms; acquired banking experience through one of the biggest blue chip South African banking institutions as well as through a multinational bank headquartered in West Africa. Lubabalo’s mandate is to grow the into a significant player in the finance industry in Southern Africa.
Ati Juqu CA (SA)
Senior Manager
Ati is a qualified chartered accountant with 10 years of working experience. He completed his articles at a South African blue chip banking institution (TOPP Programme) in 2012 where he received training exposure across a variety of entities within the institution’s group companies. His post articles experience include Wholesale Credit and Portfolio Management. he is young and dynamic, also very technical and passionate. He is also tasked with growing the consultancy services business footprint in the public sector, medium-sized and big corporates.